Fellowship Awards:
2010 Gerald J. Lieberman Fellow
Gerald J. Lieberman fellowships are for doctoral students in the later stages of their programs. Nine are awarded every year: one each in the schools of education, earth sciences, medicine, and engineering; law and business alternate nominating years; and the school of humanities and sciences awards three. Nominations are for doctoral students whose personal and professional traits resemble Lieberman's. Through their research accomplishments, teaching, and university service, awardees must have demonstrated the potential for becoming academic leaders.
Teaching Experience at Stanford University:
Autumn, Spring and Summer, 2015 - present:
CEE 107A/207A EarthSYS 103: Understand Energy and CEE 107S/207S: Understand Energy: Essentials
Instructors: Diana Gragg, Kirsten Stasio, and Jane Woodward (previous co-instructors include Karl Knapp, Emily Grubert, and Kemp Gregory)
As the main instructor, I work with the team to develop and deliver lectures and workshops, curate readings and videos, develop problem sets and exams, hold office hours and review sessions, and manage TAs and graders.
Winter 2018 - Winter 2021:
CEE 107R/207R: E^3: Extreme Energy Efficiency
Coordinator for a course taught by Amory Lovins at Rocky Mountain Institute in Basalt, CO over spring break
Summer 2018:
CEE 107S/207S: Energy Resources: Fuels and Tools
Co-taught with Tony Sang; course was originally developed and taught by Emily Grubert, based on material from Understand Energy
Winter 2013 - Spring 2015: Precourt Energy Efficiency Center's Sustainable Transportation Seminar Series
I worked to create a vibrant transportation community on campus by bringing together students, researchers, and practitioners, both on and off campus, for weekly sustainable transportation seminars
Teaching Assistant
September 2011: Green Technologies for Climate Stabilization and Energy Security, Stanford Graduate Student Institute, Professor: Gil Masters
September 2010: Green Technologies for Climate Stabilization and Energy Security, Stanford Graduate Student Institute, Professor: Gil Masters
September 2009: Green Technologies for Climate Stabilization and Energy Security, Stanford Graduate Student Institute, Professor: Gil Masters
September 2008: Energy for Sustainability Technologies and Policies for Climate Stabilization and Energy Security, Stanford Graduate Student Institute, Professor: Gil Masters
As a teaching assistant, I helped prepare the class work, assisted with lab projects, and organized the catering for the above week-long classes for graduate students from all different majors.
March 2007: Advanced Energy End-Use Efficiency, CEE 173L/273L, Visiting Professor: Amory Lovins, head of the Rocky Mountain Institute
During this week-long spring break class, I worked with other teaching assistants to help develop and coordinate the student activities for the week. We each conducted daily afternoon sessions with our own group of students to discuss the material from the lectures and to brainstorm about the provided energy "teasers". I also graded the daily thought notebooks for my group of students.
Spring 2005: Air Pollution: From Urban Smog to Global Change, CEE 064/263D, Professor: Mark Jacobson
Autumn 2005: Weather and Storms, CEE 063/263A, Professor: Mark Jacobson
My teaching assistant duties were similar for these two classes, both of which included undergraduate and graduate students. I organized and led office hours and special sessions for tutoring the students, and I prepared and presented review sessions for the quizes and the final (5 review sessions per quarter)
Autumn 2004: Weather and Storms/SSP, CEE 063/263A, Professor: Mark Jacobson
This class was broadcast to Singapore University through the Singapore Stanford Partnership (SSP) in Environmental Engineering and Science. In addition to my normal teaching assistant duties, I was also the teaching assistant for the Singapore students. I organized and led supplemental office hours and interactive review sessions that were broadcast live to Singapore, and allowed the students there to ask questions. I also coordinated the homework, papers, quizzes, and final submissions from the Singapore students. It was a unique experience, and one I thoroughly enjoyed!